Innovation to secure work near overhead power lines

Proximity to electrical works is a major risk factor on a construction site. A number of accidents, often fatal, are in fact due to the contact of construction machinery with overhead power lines. To prevent this risk, RTK.42 is an agile and reliable solution for securing operations.


In the event of activity in the vicinity of overhead power lines, too close proximity to construction equipment can cause an electric arc (strike). Once the networks have been identified, it is therefore essential to ensure that safety distances are respected:

3 meters for lines or installations with voltage U < 50.000 volts; 5 meters for lines or installations whose voltage U > 50.000 volts (C. trav., art. R. 4534–108).

When earth-moving, transport, lifting or handling equipment must be used or moved near a power line that cannot be de-energized, you must ensure the adaptation and installation of this equipment and work equipment in order to respect minimum safety distances during the execution of work.
(C. trav., art. R. 4534–125).

RTK.42: Technology at the service of security
work near power lines.

Our anti-collision assistance system is compatible with all construction machinery. The system alerts crane operators when entering danger zones around power lines or to prevent them from leaving their safe work area.

RTK.42 sensor

RTK.42 is designed to adapt to any machine. The device geolocates its position in 3D with 10 cm precision. It is connected by 3G 4G or 5G. Its battery operation allows it to be installed in just a few minutes.

Driver's tablet

The tablet allows the driver to view the position of his machine and the restriction zones. The tablet also makes it possible to alert the machine operator with a sound and light signal of re-entry into prohibited areas.

Gyro-siren for pedestrians

The battery-powered Gyro-siren attaches to the machine and alerts nearby pedestrians if the machine exceeds the regulatory distances.

The advantages of the system

Compatible with all gears

Installation in 5 minutes

Configuring online alerts

Real-time monitoring web platform

Definition of danger zones by
import of DWG plans, models
BIM or ground acquisition

Examples of using the “anti-collision” functionality

Anti-collision between Mobile Cranes and Tower Crane at Orly airport station

Innovation to secure work near overhead power lines

Work near buried networks

Port Anti-collision between Riders